Contact us

Notice: You can book a ride with us only in advance. We can’t send you a vehicle at short notice!

Office working time

We are answering quickly from 08:00-23:30, weekend from 09:00-18:00

We have drivers 24/7 but you have to make a reservation

Send us an email

[email protected]

We respond in less than an hour during the office hours


WHATSAPP (messages only)

+381 65 433 6000

Ask for a quote

Book your ride on time

Ask for a quote for your transfer before you book a ride or a tour. We can’t send you a car in short notice.

Our Partners Network

Firstly, we are trying to cover the tourist and airport cities but you can ask for a quote for a transfer or a private tour in any place in showed countries. For now, we have partners in the following cities in the Balkan region:


  • Bucharest
  • Timisoara
  • Cluj
  • Lasi


  • Athens
  • Thessaloniki
